Opportunities, Inc - Resumed Operations
Opportunities office location at 1070 Portage Avenue, has resumed normal operations in our Administrative and Adaptive Skills Program while respecting the need for social distancing and the use of Masks for all Staff, Participants and visitors.
All Case Managers are accessible via their direct phone lines. Senior management is available directly though their office direct lines. Please contact the front desk at 204-957-5113 for contact information if you do not have that information.
Opportunities clinical staff has resumed their work both in person and virtually in line with the latest PAM requirements for Tele-Psychology practice. Psychologists will continue to make these arrangements personally with each participant being seen. Further information is available through your assigned Case Manager if required.
Opportunities Adaptive Skills Day Service fully reopened on June 6th, 2022. Opportunities Drop-In services have also resumed and Community Support staff continue to serve these individuals in the community. It has been great to see all of our participants return.
Opportunities continues to follow public health orders and will adapt PPE use and traffic flows accordingly. Safety measures are subject to change on very short notice. If you have questions before coming to the offices please contact the front desk at 204-957-5113.
Stay Safe!
Brad Torgerson
Executive Director
Providing Opportunities
Since 1984
Our agency is a not-for-profit charitable organization that works with youth and adults who live with intellectual disabilities and/or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), most of whom who have come in conflict with the law. We increase community safety through active programming that enables our participants to find safe housing, access participant-centered supports and make better choices.
Opportunities, Inc. acknowledges, respects and has the honour of working on lands in Treaty 1 Territory.